What was I Thinking?

What was I thinking?

It seemed like a good idea at the time!

I had the brainwave that it might be a lovely thing to brush up on my crochet/knitting skills!


I felt it may be wonderful to have this skill and share with my grand children, a little legacy of craft - a treasured keepsake heirloom perhaps?

What was I thinking?

Today, I met with a lovely local lady who had offered to show me the basics of crochet, which I haven’t attempted for perhaps 40 years.

I remembered when I had crocheted some beautiful matinee jackets for our new babies - over 50 years ago and felt it may be an opportunity to make some more little keepsakes - in my spare time! haa haa

Well, today has shown me, this is NOT something I wish to repeat.

After a very frustrating morning trying to master the skill of simple chains, double and treble crochet, I came to the fast conclusion this is definitely not something I would enjoy doing in my ‘spare’ time.

Don’t get me wrong. I am in awe and admiration for some of the beautiful handicraft I see ladies making, and this possibly was one of the reasons I felt to try my hand again.

Not even the fact that it was difficult and something I would need to practice (a lot) to be able to make basic items, was the turn off. It was the realisation that I love doing different things.

If I felt it was something I needed to persevere with, perhaps I would consider it necessary to push through the comfort/pain/frustration zone barrier.

I am well aware that we learn when we are out of our comfort zone!

However, I have firmly decided, I will leave the magical masterpieces of craft creation to those who love what they do and do what they love and who do it so well.

I will continue my own journey of loving what I do and doing what I love.

Lesson learned for today.

Each of us has unique talents and gifts. The tapestry of life is made whole by what we contribute with love, joy, thankfulness and above all - lots of fun and laughter.

Dare to be different - dare to be Me - and You!

Who knows what we may create together.

Doing what we love - Loving what we do

How important do you feel it may be to your (and my) overall health and well being, to be doing what we love and loving what we do?

I can only liken it to baking a scrumptious recipe!

We could bake a flat, uninspiring, unattractive concoction, we would all happily walk past without a second glance, with no desire to stop and taste - OR - we can add a rising ingredient.

Hey, presto! As if by magic, we are now enticed by a light, attractive, nutritious, delicious, mouth watering vision of splendour. Our taste buds drooling, we can’t wait to try and see for ourselves. Imagination filling our senses.

I am including a poem I wrote for Mike some years ago when he bought his first yacht. We have enjoyed many years of adventurous sailing, both on inland waterways and offshore and fulfilled a dream Mike had harboured since childhood. What a gift.


It seems to be that boyhood dreams

Of sailing boats and waves and wind,

Are laid aside throughout the teens

As other emotions take hold within.


To be rekindled with passion renewed

As burdens and cares of life take ease,

With endless, rolling waves in view

Keen taste of spray from open seas.


Feelings long lost in mists of time

Rise on wings and bring new sight,

Elation as visions unfold in the mind,

Hopes and plans are focused bright.


Boats are looked over with critical eye.

Too small, too large, the price not right.

Suddenly, she is there! Has all you desire,

Weeks seem to drag ‘til the day you can buy.


Disbelief gives way to feelings of joy,

Truly she is yours; the dream is fulfilled.

With sails set trim, at the tiller sits the boy,

Surging forth on the waves, face smiling to the wind.

© Elaine Delaney for Hubby, Mike!

Mike has once again purchased a small yacht. This is miraculous in so many ways. Mike underwent open heart quadruple by-pass surgery in mid December 2019 and purchased his little boat just before that major surgery.

With no guarantees he would ever be given the opportunity to live that dream, it gave him a goal to focus upon and determination to once again be sailing the seven seas, as they say.

I love life- here and now.

I love that hubby and myself, after 55 years of married life, are blessed to live in a place and space, to each do what we love and love what we do.

It doesn’t matter what it is that any of us, love doing. What matters is that it matters to us, and we choose to do it as often as we can, with joy and overflowing gratefulness.

The wonder remains. To watch Mike loving what he is doing and doing what he loves - and the same for myself with my beautiful HTH herd - AND seeing other people living their dream, is a gift and a blessing, to every area of LIFE.

What do YOU love doing? What lights you up when you think about it?

I encourage you to do more of that, whenever and wherever possible.

Notice how it makes you feel; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

What lights you up? What makes you feel alive? Go and do more of that.

“What the world needs is more people who have come alive!”

This will prove a blessing, not only to YOU, but to everyone and everything around you. God and the Universe will rejoice with you and be glad and you will thrive and prosper within.

Abundant gifts of today

We truly do live with abundance every day. Sounds too good to be true? Not to me.

Take the past few months as an example.

‘Out of the blue’, we have been gifted with abundance, to now have the finances to build our large farm shed set up for Horses Teaching Humans, plus the added bonus of being able to make improvements to enhance Rubyvale, for all who abide and all who visit - humans, animals and all nature.

It constantly astounds and overwhelms me with wonder when ‘out of the blue’ our God (Grand Overall Designer) and Source of all creation, sends us miracles, wrapped in most unlikely of outer coverings, within places, people, events and things.

These gifts are a manifestation of some of the dreams and desires I have been putting out into the Universe for a couple of years. I have these heart desires printed and taped to the wall near the light switch in the bedroom and bathroom, along with other positive affirmations, which I speak out loud with thankfulness, nearly every day.

(Interestingly, I often use the ‘light switch’ method of focus and intention. I turn on the bedroom light and as light fills the room, I speak the affirmations out loud. I do love this modality. It allows my sub conscious to be alerted on all levels - turning on the light, speaking the affirmation, giving thanks. You can use any number of signals - it may be as you turn the key in your car, the water in your shower, etc etc - whatever works for you ).

Our dreams and heartfelt desires are heard, acknowledged and in time, made possible for us to embrace, if we hold fast to the belief and live with consistent frequency as best we can, each day, in gratitude, joy and abundance, we will hold those dreams in our hands.

Henry David Thoreau knew exactly what he was talking about when he said, ‘When one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours …..( people, places, events and things will show up, seemingly ‘out of the blue’???)

(*Another of his quotes - “What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?”) Hmmm! We may dwell upon that another day.

Our beautiful Artemis has been encouraging us to apply Abundance essential oil daily this month, another heightening of awareness, with connection to the incredible frequency and the limitless source of creation’s abundance. I love it.

I have become far more aware of the actual ‘frequency’ of abundance when I apply the oil to my wrists and inhale the aroma. It seems to me that every fibre of my being is filled with even more overflowing gratitude and joy and I am amazed at the outpouring of abundance in so many small and large ways.

Today - well, today! Hubby and me drove into the magical forest on our lovely neighbour’s property to gather firewood for the incoming icy blast. A stunning Winter day. An early white frost lingering on the shady areas of valley and hills, crystal clear winter blue sky, slight cool breeze and warm, winter sunshine. A day to rejoice and feel glad to be alive.

I spotted a little abandoned day old calf, ‘coincidentally,’ as we drove through the isolated back blocks. He was in need of immediate help and was trying to ‘drink’ from a tree by bumping his little head against it, as if it were mum’s udder, trying to get the milk down - bless him. We were able to let the owners know of his plight so they could find mum and reunite them.

We were filled with thankfulness that we were led to this secluded spot today. No one would access this area for many days or weeks and there is another cold, wet and wild front approaching the region. I was overjoyed little calf called us here today.

The birds were calling in the forest canopy. I had a lovely ‘conversation’ with a little grey thrush who responded to my bird call attempts, flying close by, blessing us with that amazing, clear, pure song we know so well. The miracles and wonder of our natural world surrounded us.

We arrived home with a full load of dry wood to keep us all toasty and warm and our son and grand daughter unloaded the wood into dry cover. Thankfulness for the generosity of family and ‘neighbourly’ neighbours, a glowing fire to warm our home, boil the kettle and cook our meals.

A stranger drove into the driveway and hailed us. I wandered across and was astounded to hear him offer us the possibility of tarmac for our driveway. This is something we have considered for some years, however, it has always seemed a little too costly to have done - up until now! haa haa

Another gift! Absolutely, yes! An affordable price, as they are already in the area contracted to complete other works and as our front gate into the property was open, popped in to let us know they could give us a quote and complete the job whilst they are nearby!

I think I may be applying Abundance oil, along with Gratitude and Joy, again today!

Footnote: We had the apron on our driveway applied and completed the same day - phase 1.

Our neighbours contacted us to say the little abandoned calf was one of twins. Mum had wandered afar with the little heifer (girl) calf and left little bull calf - possibly sound asleep. They were so thankful for our observation and little ‘Elaine’ and ‘Mike’ were now with Mum in the yards and all appeared to be going well. hee hee - We were overjoyed for the calf and delighted to have the twins named after us! May the live abundantly and prosper.

Unwrapping The Gift of Life

Mind Body Spirit and Emotions - Gratitude, Joy and Abundance

It still astounds me that in my upcoming 75th year (75 in September 2020) I am living with more abundance, joy, vigour and vitality in every area of my life. Having experienced ill health for many years, I never take my current good health for granted.

Around a decade ago, I decided to choose a more holistic lifestyle approach.

‘Energy flows where intention goes’, and some of the tools I have learned have enabled me to choose more positive thoughts and beliefs about myself and the world around me.

These choices have led to some rather incredible changes for myself, my family, friends and the animals we love.

It is my desire and intention to share some of my story with others in the hope it may inspire you to believe more in yourself and the limitless possibilities that lie within and without each one of us.

When I look back on different stages and phases of my life, I often ask the question of myself “Who was that person?”

It was me, yes. However, a very different version of the me that is here living and loving today.

Every phase and stage has seen a different version of myself. Perhaps, for those who knew me before and who know me now, there are many different perspectives on who I am?

Constantly evolving and stepping into a freer, fuller vision and version of the me I desire and choose to be, is an awesome, magical and at times challenging, yet totally rewarding, wonder-filled and fulfilling journey, which will continue throughout this earthly lifetime and who knows, well beyond!

Let’s share some of the mysteries, tears, fears, heartaches, love, laughter, joy and wonder together.

Unwrapping the Gift that is LIFE.