Mind Body Spirit and Emotions - Gratitude, Joy and Abundance
It still astounds me that in my upcoming 75th year (75 in September 2020) I am living with more abundance, joy, vigour and vitality in every area of my life. Having experienced ill health for many years, I never take my current good health for granted.
Around a decade ago, I decided to choose a more holistic lifestyle approach.
‘Energy flows where intention goes’, and some of the tools I have learned have enabled me to choose more positive thoughts and beliefs about myself and the world around me.
These choices have led to some rather incredible changes for myself, my family, friends and the animals we love.
It is my desire and intention to share some of my story with others in the hope it may inspire you to believe more in yourself and the limitless possibilities that lie within and without each one of us.
When I look back on different stages and phases of my life, I often ask the question of myself “Who was that person?”
It was me, yes. However, a very different version of the me that is here living and loving today.
Every phase and stage has seen a different version of myself. Perhaps, for those who knew me before and who know me now, there are many different perspectives on who I am?
Constantly evolving and stepping into a freer, fuller vision and version of the me I desire and choose to be, is an awesome, magical and at times challenging, yet totally rewarding, wonder-filled and fulfilling journey, which will continue throughout this earthly lifetime and who knows, well beyond!
Let’s share some of the mysteries, tears, fears, heartaches, love, laughter, joy and wonder together.
Unwrapping the Gift that is LIFE.