Overcoming fear with our beautiful Rubyvale Horses Teaching Humans herd. Mike and myself can think of few things as rewarding and uplifting, as seeing visitors of all ages overcome their fears.
Take today for instance. We had two young children who were petrified (I think that would aptly describe their reactions) to the thought of getting on a horse. They really, really wanted to have that experience and were busting to ride. However, when the time came to mount, the fear rose up and threatened to overwhelm all other desires and dreams.
How often is that the case with many of our own dreams and heart desires?
NB: (Riding is not an integral part of our sessions or program. However, there are times when it seems to unfold into a possibility for being the most rewarding experience for some people, as long as they are safe and feel no pressure to stay on the horse, assured they are free to call ‘stop’, and get off at any time they choose.)
Today unfolded beautifully. We went from a couple of young humans being rigid, tense and tightly coiled in body and emotions, to the point of panic and threatened tears, to breathing deeply, moving forward slowly, with as many stops as necessary and in a short time relaxing, grinning, fist pumping and wanting more!
No wonder we love what we do and do what we love.
A huge thank you to our beautiful, patient, generous Herd.
Prince and Tesse Rose, you are priceless. You bring joy, love, self-belief and empowerment to so many people. Trusty, Claudie and Pride, you are extremely patient and obliging, waiting and closely watching all the action. I am sure you energetically assist humans and your horsey pals in your own unique ways.
Thank you to everyone and everything, for the gift of another magical, memorable day, horsing about down on the farm at Rubyvale, Laggan. .