Cultivating Happiness Habit

No doubt most of us are aware of the question, ‘Is the glass half full, or half empty?’ and the two different perceptions and perspectives of viewing the glass (world).

In a recent Library loaned book, ‘Stay Strong’ by , it put forward that in fact, both are correct observations. If the glass is half full, by mathematical standards at least, it will also be half empty!

It is of course, our own choice as to how we perceive each situation, circumstance and event in our own lives. However, there is ‘no one size fits all’, in my experience. Just as there is not always a ‘right or wrong’ way of viewing. Limitless possibilities.

The one constant, is our own choice, as to how we get to experience this gift that is our human Life journey.

A few thought provoking and inspiring quotes from a delightful booklet, ‘The little book of happiness’ gifted to Jade over Christmas, are in keeping with how different we all are and indeed, how we alone can decide what makes us smile on the inside and feel good all over.

“If you want to be happy - set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes” Andrew Carnegie

“My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning - and yet, I am happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?” Charles Schulz haa haa

Perhaps, living in the moment???

“The best way to secure future happiness - is to be as happy as rightfully possible TODAY” Charles W Elliot

“Happiness is when - what you Think, what you Say and what you Do, are in harmony!” Mahatma Gandhi

Gratitude brings Joy - Happiness will flow and follow.

“You need to learn to be happy by nature, because you will seldom have the chance to be happy by circumstance.” Lavetta Sue Wagman

Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it. Plant Gratitude, water, nurture and nourish it. Joy and Happiness will blossom, flourish and thrive, overflowing into your garden of Life - no matter what! (Elaine Delaney) hee hee hee

Feel confident, that as Life’s season change, (as in all gardens) you now have within those little ‘green fingers and thumbs’ of yours, everything you need, to once again - Plant Gratitude, Joy will overflow and your sweet companion (plant) will be the surprise gifting of happiness, in the garden of your (and my) Life - with an abundant harvest to share with all.