Take Time


So much we can learn from our horses if we are open and willing!

My beautiful Prince, what are you telling me?

Prince is an awesomely amazing horse, always so affectionate, willing, and sensitive to each of our needs.

Recently I needed to: Take time to Stop. Take time to be aware. Take time to listen. Take time to ask questions.

Why was Prince wanting to move to the gate that led to the day paddocks?

Why was he reluctant to be involved in our horse activities?

Why was he behaving unconfidently; Right Brain (flight mode) when asked to circle at liberty in the round yard?  Galloping so wildly he even fell over in the loose sand at one point! (Embarrassing and Unsafe, my Prince).

I immediately called a STOP to what we were doing.

Clearly, we needed a different approach to help him slow down and feel calm, relaxed, and trusting.  

What are you telling me Prince?  What can we do to help you?


Are you still missing your dear mate, Trusty?

Are you feeling unwell?

Am I not spending enough quality, undemanding, quiet time with you?

Am I only spending time with you when we are asking you to do something, or when we have visitors here?

What can I do to support you physically and/or emotionally?

 Our relationship is far more important to me than ANY agenda I may have.

 The following day we spent some quality, undemanding time together. Not long. Perhaps, only 45 minutes, including shared time with Tesse Rose, Claudie, and Pride.

It was never about the length of time. It was always about the quality time of being together.  

We had a wonderful, loving, affectionate time brushing and grooming Prince’s body, cleaning hooves, enjoying treats (carrots) and generally hanging around together.

What a difference this made for Prince, and how precious and beautiful were those moments in each other’s presence. Not asking for anything or requiring anything.  Just Being.

Thank you, Prince for the gift of this amazing life lesson.

It felt good! Oh, yes, my beautiful horses.  It felt REALLY GOOD!

Taking the time to just BE STILL and ALLOW!

It felt good for me, and Prince, Tesse Rose, Claudie, and Pride, showed me clearly, just how good it felt for them!  Thank you, Mum. We do love and appreciate you listening to and caring for us. (Nuzzle, nuzzle, horsey hugs.) 

There was an all-encompassing warm, fuzzy, loving feeling from the Herd; they were relaxed, sleepy, content, happy to stand around quietly and just BE, together.

We were as one - THE HERD.  Timeless treasures.

What opportunities can we create and/or be aware of – to take the time to be STILL?

What wonders and magic will this allow in our busy lives?

I believe we are surrounded by magic and miracles every moment of every day, if only we are willing to stop, look, listen, and learn!

Some of life’s greatest lessons come from within Nature, and all God’s creatures great and small.  Thank you, for the gift of LIFE here and now.