Something for Everyone
“Become aware of what is in YOU. Announce it. Pronounce it. (Embrace it – E.D). Produce it. Give birth to it” Meister Eckhart
I have been enjoying chair yoga. As wintry, wet conditions persist, it is not always conducive to my usual outdoor activities. Lots of wholesome winter food, combined with less physical activity, has seen a definite increase in girth measurements!
What to do?
I believe, there is something out there for everyone! Seek it. Find it. Embrace it. Enjoy it.
Don’t worry about what everyone else may be doing. If you find that special something that works for you. Go for it.
Chair yoga has proven gentle and yet effective for my own body.
I have taken some of the moves from a variety of online sites, books, family advice etc.
Some of these I have incorporated into my own daily practice.
Do I spend heaps of time on my sessions?
Over the course of a day, I may spend 3-5 mins, perhaps 5-6 times or more a day.
This is proving achievable and maintainable for my schedule, and my body.
I am not someone who can sit still for hours at a time. Movement indoors or even more likely outdoors, is my usual modus operandi!
If you add time spent each day with 3-5 min exercise sessions, this can quickly equate to 30-60mins a day. Add the steps taken in daily lifestyle, with tending animals, family, farm etc - Woohoo! A mini marathon.
I notice the difference in how much lighter, freer, flexible and easier my body feels, and perhaps, (am I being overly optimistic?) even a slight notch less on the waist band!
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.” E. E. Cummings.
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein.
“You may never know what results come of your actions. However, if you do nothing, there will be NO results.” Mahatma Ghandi
“Life can be beautiful if you make it beautiful. It is up to you.” Eddie Jaku Survivor of holocaust horrors.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Journey. Remember: Nobody gets out alive. Let’s make the most of each day given.